Mathematical interests.
groups and their twin buildings.
systems and buildings in general.
groups and discrete groups in general; related
linearity, rigidity and simplicity problems.
aspects of geometric group theory.
buildings and their compactifications via various methods.
disconnected locally compact groups.
Professor of mathematics at École polytechnique (on leave from Univ.
Lyon) (École polytechnique
& CMLS).
member of the Institut Universitaire de France, 2009-2014 (Institut
Universitaire de France).
at the Mathematics Institute of the University Lyon 1, 2004-2014 (Institut
Camille Jordan).
Habilitation à diriger les recherches (December 2003): Fourier Institute (Grenoble 1) - France (Institut Fourier).
position (September 2001-September 2004): Maître de conférences at the
Mathematics Institute of the University Grenoble 1 - France (Institut
year 2000/2001: postdoc at the Mathematics
Institute of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem
- Israel (Einstein
(September 1999): Mathematics Institute (Élie Cartan Institute) of the
University Nancy 1 - France (Institut
Élie Cartan).
may have a look at my curriculum vitae,
in pdf form here.
Construction de réseaux en théorie de Kac-Moody. C. R.
Acad. Sc. Paris 329 (1999) 475-478, pdf file here.
Kac-Moody hyperboliques. Isomorphismes abstraits entre groupes de
même immeuble. Geometriae Dedicata 90,
pdf file here.
(2002) 29-44
3. Groupes de Kac-Moody déployés et presque déployés. Astérisque 277 (2002) Société Mathématique de France, 348 pages, pdf file here.
4. Classical and non-linearity properties of Kac-Moody lattices. In "Rigidity in Dynamics and Geometry" (Newton Institute 2000), M. Burger and A. Iozzi eds, Springer (2002) 391-405, pdf file here.6. Topological simplicity, commensurator superrigidity and non linearity of Kac-Moody groups. Appendix by Patrick Bonvin: Strong boundaries and commensurator superrigidity. Geometric and Functional Analysis 14 (2004) 810-852, pdf file here.
7. Integrability of induction cocycles for Kac-Moody groups. Mathematische Annalen 333 (2005) 29-43, pdf file here.9. with M. Ronan: Topological groups of Kac-Moody type, right-angled twinnings and their lattices. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 81 (2006) 191-219, pdf file here.
10. with P.-E. Caprace: Simplicité abstraite des groupes de Kac-Moody non affines. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris 342 (2006) 539-544, pdf file here.
11. with Y. Guivarch: Group-theoretic compactification of Bruhat-Tits buildings. Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. 39 (2006) 871-920, pdf file here.12. with U. Baumgartner and George Willis: Flat rank of automorphism groups of buildings. Transf. Groups 12 (2007) 413-436, pdf file here.
13. with U. Baumgartner and J. Ramagge: Contraction groups in complete Kac-Moody groups. Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 2, pdf file here. (2008) 337–352
14. with P.-E. Caprace: Simplicity and superrigidity of twin buildings lattices. Inventiones Math 176 (2009) 169-221, pdf file here.
15. with P.-E. Caprace: Groups with a root group datum. Innovations in Incidence Geometry 9 (2009) 5-77, pdf file here.
16. with P. Abramenko: Commensurators of some non-uniform tree lattices and Moufang twin trees. Ramanujan Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series 9 (2009) 79-104, pdf file here.
17. Kac-Moody groups as discrete groups. Ramanujan Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series 9 (2009) 105-124, pdf file here.20.
with P.-E. Caprace: Non-distortion
of twin building lattices. Geometriae Dedicata 147
(2010) 397-408, pdf file here.
21. with A. Thuillier and A. Werner: Bruhat-Tits theory from Berkovich's point of view. II: Satake compactifications. J. Inst. Math Jussieu11 (2012) 421-465, pdf file here.
22. Groupes algébriques pseudo-réductifs et applications, d’après J. Tits et B. Conrad-O. Gabber-G. Prasad. Séminaire Bourbaki, exposé 1021 (mars 2010), in Astérisque 339 (2011) 259–304, pdf file here.
23. Buildings and Kac-Moody groups, in the proceedings of the conference "Buildings, Finite geometries and Groups" (Bangalore, August 2010), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics 10 (2012), N.S. Narasimha Sastry ed., pp. 222-241, pdf file here.